Brain Drain, Neurobabble ?

Scruton's intelligent critique defines current limits and points to fundamental issues in neuroscience
We have to recognize that up today consciousness didn't emerge from spike timing dogma or any other algorithmic model. Indeed, we have inherited reductionist models and a chronic failure to solve real  problems in neuroscience
Turing made an important step forward; however, there is no need to limit physical models of computation to Turing models. 
 While ‘weak’ interactions between neurons may be algorithmically approximated, ‘strong’ interactions that occur inside neurons during action potential generation remained unmodeled.  Since the brain's computing power has its origins in these ‘strong’ interactions,  current models  tell myths about the brain and have missed the most important part. 
 The powerful ‘super-Turing’ model of computation  by physical interaction
gives rise to memory based experience and  provides the basis of cognition and consciousness

Dorian Aur and Mandar Jog - Neuroelectrodynamics- Understanding The Brain Language , IOS Press 2010,
Dorian Aur,  2012, A Comparative Analysis of Integrating Visual Information  in Local Neuronal  Ensembles, Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 2012 Volume 207, Issue 1, 30 2012, Pages 23–30
Dorian Aur ,  Mandar S Jog, Roman Poznanski, 2011, Computing by physical interaction in neurons, Journal of integrative Neuroscience, vol. 10, Issue: 4, , pp. 413-422
Dorian Aur, 2011,  From Neuroelectrodynamics to Thinking Machines, Cognitive Computation, Volume 4, Number 1 (2012), 4-12,

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